Seattle City Light Skagit Project, Diablo Dam construction photograph albums, 1919-1936.


Seattle City Light Skagit Project, Diablo Dam construction photograph albums, 1919-1936.

Fourteen photograph albums illustrating the planning and construction of Gorge and Diablo Dams and their respective power houses on the Skagit River in the North Cascades. In addition to the dam construction, photographs include images of machinery, laborers, engineers, housing for contractors and workers' camps, recreational activities, Skagit railroad, tourists, nature, and scenic views. Of note are the images detailing construction technology and innovations of the time period such as penstock tunnels, coffer dams, valves, turbines, cement panels, and the incline hoist.

2.8 cubic ft. (7 boxes)


SNAC Resource ID: 8283302

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Seattle City Light (corporateBody)

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